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Elizabeth M. Salisbury | Coordinator of Graduate Services, University of Delaware

Elizabeth M. Salisbury | Coordinator of Graduate Services, University of Delaware

Current Position and Past Experience
Elizabeth M. Salisbury has worked in credit and non-credit program and system management as well as interdisciplinary curriculum development and instruction in higher education for over 14 years. Her focus is on the integration of technology for faculty and staff development.

Elizabeth is currently the Director of Graduate Services Operations in the Office of Graduate and Professional Education at the University of Delaware. She has held this position since 2016. This followed eight years as the Program Manager of UD Online. Salisbury also serves as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Prior to joining the University of Delaware, Salisbury was the Coordinator of Multicultural Student Involvement and Community Advocacy at the University of Maryland, College Park. She also served as a Research Assistant for the American Association of Retired Persons and as the Development Coordinator of Development and Health Promotion at the Arthritis Foundation’s Metropolitan Washington Chapter.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Salisbury received her B.A. at the University of Maryland College Park in 1999. In 2009, she received her M.A., also from the University of Maryland College Park. She holds a certificate in Business Analysis from the University of Delaware. She is currently working toward earning her PhD from the University of Maryland College Park in American Studies, and having completed the required range of coursework and comprehensive examinations, is ABD (All But Dissertation).

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Elizabeth serves as on the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee and as well as the Online Management and Design Awards Subcommittee. She also serves on the Mid-Atlantic UPCEA Regional planning committee. She previously served on the Board of Directors of the D.C. Rape Crisis Center. In her spare time she enjoys reading, swimming, photography and baking apple pies from scratch.

Elizabeth M. Salisbury can be found on LinkedIn.

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