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Author Profile

Elizabeth D. Capaldi Phillips | Provost Emerita, Arizona State University

Elizabeth D. Capaldi Phillips | Provost Emerita, Arizona State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Elizabeth Phillips is Provost Emerita at Arizona State University (ASU). She is also a Professor of Psychology in the University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

From 2006-2013, she served as University Provost and Executive Vice President at ASU.

Prior to joining ASU, Phillips served as the Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff of The State University of New York. Prior to that she was Provost and Professor of Psychology at the University at Buffalo SUNY, after serving as Provost and Professor of Psychology at the University of Florida.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Phillips received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Rochester in 1965 and her PhD in experimental psychology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1969.

Phillips has won numerous awards in her career, including the Buffalo Niagara Partnership Honoring Excellence Award and the Citizen of the Year award granted by the New York State Society of Professional Engineers.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Phillips is an avid cook and teaches the psychology of eating. She has edited two books on this topic and is in the process of writing a cookbook based on psychology. She is also an exercise fanatic, and dog person. Her current dog Henry, a kuvasz.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt