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Dr. E. Beverly Young | Adjunct Faculty, Eastern University Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies

Dr. E. Beverly Young | Adjunct Faculty, Eastern University Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. E. Beverly Young currently performs three roles in the field of education. Since 2010 she has been Adjunct Faculty teaching an online accelerated program in Organizational Research at Eastern University’s Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies.

She has also been an Administrative Officer with the Pennsylvania State Police’s Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission since 2001. In this role, she ensures compliance with statutory and regularity provisions related to training and certification, among other responsibilities. Additionally, since 1999, she has been an independent Adult Learning Strategies consultant, helping develop courses for adult students.

Dr. Young has significant experience in law enforcement; she was a Lieutenant in the Administration and Training section of the Temple University Police Department from 1985-1999. She then spent two years as a Police Training Education Specialist with Pennsylvania State Police’s Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission before moving into her current role.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Young earned her M.Ed in Urban Education from Temple University in 1984 and later earned her PhD in Adult Education Leadership from Walden University in 2010.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review