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Author Profile

Donna Duellberg | Regional Education Services Coordinator, United States Coast Guard

Donna Duellberg | Regional Education Services Coordinator, United States Coast Guard

Current Position and Past Experience
Donna Duellberg serves as the Regional Education Services Officer for the Coast Guard’s District 14 (US Territory of Guam, Commonwealth of the Marianas Islands, American Samoa, Japan, Singapore and Coast Guard Cutters: Ahi; Assateague; Galveston Island; Kiska; Kittiwake; Kukui; Morgenthau; Rush; Sequoia; Walnut and Washington). She began working as a full-time education services officer for the Coast Guard in 2006.

Duellberg retired from the Army in 2001 and began teaching in a number of universities, both as an adjunct instructor and as the Chair of the College of Human Services.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Duellberg has earned her Ed.D.

The Base Honolulu Learning Center has received national recognition for numerous initiatives speared by Duellberg. In February 2010 her learning center was honored at the CCME conference as co-recipient of the prestigious Barry Comb Government Award and in 2011, it was a co-recipient of NUTN’s 2011 Shirley David Award for Excellence in Synchronous Distance Learning. In 2013, Duellberg was awarded the CCME John Brian Service and Leadership Award.

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