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Author Profile

Don Presant | President, Learning Agents

Don Presant | President, Learning Agents

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2000, Don Presant has been the President of Learning Agents, focusing on ePortfolio and eLearning. He is the Executive Producer of Career Portfolio Manitoba, a community-based employability ePortfolio.

Prior to Learning Agents, Don spent 10 years with TVOntario in a number of roles, including leading the team that took the educational broadcaster on to the Internet in 1994.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Don earned his BA in Communication Studies from Concordia University in 1980. In 2013, Learning Agents was the recipient of the MPLAN’s award for the Pursuit of Excellence in the Assessment and Recognition of Learning (PEARL).

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Presant is the Past Chair and Life Member of the Manitoba PLA Network (MPLAN). He also serves as a Member of the Canadian Association for PLA (CAPLA) and of the Program Committee for the ePortfolio and Identity Conference (ePIC).

In addition, Presant serves as a Corporate Affiliate of the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL)

You can find Presant on LinkedIn, on Twitter @donpresant, and on the web at the Learning Agents website. To learn more about Don, please visit his ePortfolio.

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Corporate learning engine