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Author Profile

Dennis Yang | Chief Executive Officer, Udemy

Dennis Yang | Chief Executive Officer, Udemy

Current Position and Past Experience
Dennis Yang is the CEO of San Francisco-based Udemy, the leading marketplace for online learning and teaching. Dennis drives the company in its mission to empower individuals and organizations to gain the skills they need to compete and thrive in the new global economy.

Dennis is an entrepreneur with a passion for the intersection of education and technology and a proven track record leading high-growth organizations. He has decades of mobile and software experience at both consumer and enterprise technology companies, including Good Technology, Siebel and 4INFO.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Yang earned his Bachelor’s of Science in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University in 1995. In 2002 he earned his MBA from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.

You can find Yang on the web via Linkedin.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review