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Debbie Cavalier | Senior Vice President of Online Learning and Continuing Education and CEO of Berklee Online, Berklee College of Music

Debbie Cavalier | Senior Vice President of Online Learning and Continuing Education and CEO of Berklee Online, Berklee College of Music

Current Position and Past Experience
Debbie Cavalier is currently the Senior Vice President of Online Learning and Continuing Education at the Berklee College of Music, and also serves as the CEO of Berklee Online. Cavalier is also the Creative Director of children’s music education and entertainment company, Debbie and Friends.

In the past, Cavalier acted as the Dean of Continuing Education and as the Chief Academic Officer of the Berklee College of Music’s online division. She also worked as the managing Editor of Music Education and Technology Publications at Warner Bros. Publications, was a music educator, and has authored hundreds of music method books and arrangements.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cavalier received her Bachelor of Music from Berklee College of Music in 1987. In 1993, she completed her Master’s of Education at Cambridge College. She participated in executive education programs focused on Finance at Babson College in 2014, and on Behavioral Economics at the Harvard Business School in 2016.

Cavalier is the recipient of the 50 on Fire Award, 2013 Education, granted by BostInno.

She composed and recorded a song featured on the 2011 Grammy Award winning CD for Best Children’s Album through her work with Debbie and Friends.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Debbie Cavalier and her partner Beth Barrett split time between their homes in Watertown and Cape Cod. She enjoys golf, tennis, writing, recording and performing with Debbie and Friends, and time with family and friends.

Debbie Cavalier can be found on LinkedIn.

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