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Author Profile

David Tidman | Transforming Learning Manager (New Technologies), Barnsley MBC

David Tidman | Transforming Learning Manager (New Technologies), Barnsley MBC

Current Position and Past Experience
David Tidman is currently the Transforming Learning Strategy Manager with the town of Barnsley Local Education Authority, a position he has held since 2009. Prior to this, David served as the Head of ICT at West Leeds High School, having worked in several local authorities and schools across all ages.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Tidman earned his PGCE in Education and his BSc in Production Engineering.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
David is married with one son. He is an active rock climber and has officiated Rugby League up to international level.

You can find Tidman on the web at his blog, dptidman.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review