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Author Profile

David Thompson | Communications Outreach Director for Veterans’ Advocates, Washington and Lee University

David Thompson | Communications Outreach Director for Veterans’ Advocates, Washington and Lee University

Current Position and Past Experience
David Thompson is a J.D. Candidate at Washington & Lee University School of Law and the Communications Outreach Director for Washington & Lee Veterans’ Advocates. He also serves as a Law Ambassador for Service 2 School.

He is a Captain in the US Army and a Fellow at Veterans in Global Leadership.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Thompson earned his Bachelor’s degree in Economics and his M.B.A. in Organizational Leadership from Liberty University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of school and work David enjoys exercising, reading, hiking, and kayaking. He currently has one published book: 30 Days with Gail.

You can connect with David Thompson via LinkedIn LinkedIn and on Twitter @jdthompson910.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review