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Author Profile

David Smith | Graduate, Oglethorpe University

David Smith | Graduate, Oglethorpe University

Current Position and Past Experience
David Shawn Smith is an Executive Life Coach based in Atlanta. He runs I Speak Life Coaching, and has been in the field of human empowerment for 15 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Smith graduated from Oglethorpe University in 2011. He is a Certified and Licensed Life Coach and Executive Coach. He is also a Certified Anger Management Specialist, earning his certification from Anderson and Anderson.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
As a Life Coach in Atlanta, Smith works with adults across all fields. The areas which he specializes in are Business, Relationships, Health and Spirituality.

Education and Personal Development is high on the list for Smith as people continue to change careers and seek other options in the personal and professional goals. If you are a person who has problems with completing things and staying on course, Smith would love to partner with you and help you attain your wildest dreams.

You can find Smith on the web at I Speak Life Coaching. He is also on Twitter @DavidShawnSmith and on Facebook.

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