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Author Profile

David Pistner | Director of Energy Initiatives, Pennsylvania College of Technology

David Pistner | Director of Energy Initiatives, Pennsylvania College of Technology

Current Position and Past Experience
David Pistner works for the Pennsylvania College of Technology as the Director of Energy Initiatives overseeing the Eastern Hub of ShaleNET—a three-year, federally funded project to recruit, train, place and retain workers for high-priority occupations in the natural gas industry.

Prior to joining Penn College, Pistner was the Director of Weatherization Training for the PA Department of Labor & Industry. Before this he was the Chief Operating Officer for the Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board and Manager of Workforce Development for the York County Economic Development Corporation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Pistner has a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Pennsylvania State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement

When not working he enjoys all things outdoors and getting his nephews into trouble.

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