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Author Profile

Dave Jarrat | Senior Vice President of Strategic Engagement and Growth, InsideTrack

Dave Jarrat | Senior Vice President of Strategic Engagement and Growth, InsideTrack

Current Position and Past Experience
Dave Jarrat is a member of the leadership team at InsideTrack, where he directs research and thought leadership, stakeholder engagement, marketing, policy and industry relations activities. In addition to cultivating and managing InsideTrack’s external relationships, he is also responsible for driving continued growth in the organization’s reach and impact.

Dave has authored numerous papers on issues related to student success and higher education trends. His research and opinions have appeared in popular media outlets including NBC News, US News & World Report, the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed. He is also a regular speaker at higher education industry events and conferences.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dave holds a B.A. in Environmental Science, Economics and Politics from Claremont McKenna College and a Masters in Business Administration from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.

Articles by this author:

Driving student success