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Author Profile

Darrin Coe | Mental Health Clinician III, Colorado Department of Corrections

Darrin Coe | Mental Health Clinician III, Colorado Department of Corrections

Current Position and Past Experience
Darrin Coe has worked with the Colorado Department of Corrections since 2001, as a Mental Health Clinician at the Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility. Coe hopes to gain an appointment as a college professor, institutional researcher or program developer in the higher education field.

Prior to joining the Department of Corrections, Coe was a Sex Offender Therapist from 1997-2001 with Addiction Recovery Programs. This came on the heels of his time as a Counselor at Mille Lacs Academy.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Coe earned his Bachelor of Elective Studies in Criminal Justice from St. Cloud State University in 1994. In 2007 he returned to academia to complete a Master of Science in General Psychology at Walden University, which he completed in 2009. He earned his PhD in Research and Program Evaluation at the same institution in 2012.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Coe is a member of the Associate for Psychological Science and of the International Positive Psychology Association.

You can find Coe on Twitter @darrincoe or on Facebook.

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Avoiding summer melt