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Author Profile

Darren Shimkus | General Manager and Vice President of Udemy for Business, Udemy

Darren Shimkus | General Manager and Vice President of Udemy for Business, Udemy

Current Position and Past Experience
Darren Shimkus currently serves as the General Manager of Udemy for Business at Udemy. Before moving to his current role, Shimkus served as Senior Vice President for Global Sales and Business Development for Mophie. In 2007, Shimkus joined the Credant Technologies team as Director of Business Development. After a short period of time, Shimkus moved up to Senior Vice President of Channel Sales, Marketing and Business Development.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Shimkus earned his BA in Economics at William and Mary School and his Masters of Business Administration from Stanford Graduate School of Business.

You can connect with Darren Shimkus on LinkedIn and on Twitter @darrenshimkus .

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Corporate learning engine