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Author Profile

Dan Gerger | President, Adult Education Advocates

Dan Gerger | President, Adult Education Advocates

Current Position and Past Experience
Dan Gerger is the President and Co-Founder of Adult Education Advocates. Gerger has held a number of senior administrative positions throughout his career in higher education; including serving as the Director of Continuing Education, Summer Sessions and Special Programs at Manhattanville College, and as the Director of the Englewood Cliffs Campus of Saint Peter’s University. He also served as the Director of the MBA Program at Saint Peter’s University. This followed his time as the Associate Director of the Center for Math, Science and Computer Education at Rutgers University.

Gerger is a member of the New Jersey Association for College Admission Counseling, The Northeast Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, The Pennsylvania Association for Adult and Continuing Education, and the New Jersey Association of Lifelong Learning.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Gerger earned his BA in Political Science from Montclair State University and his MPA from the Wagner School of Public Service at New York University.

You can find Gerger on the web via his personal blog and via Twitter @GergerDaniel.

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