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Author Profile

Christine Blakney | Managing Director of Student Business Services, Texas Tech University

Christine Blakney | Managing Director of Student Business Services, Texas Tech University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2009, Christine Blakney has served as the Managing Director of Student Business Services at Texas Tech University. She’s been at Texas Tech since 2003, spending six years as the Director of Accounting for TTU’s Health Sciences Center before stepping into her current role.

Blakney serves as the President of Texas BUC$ (Bursars for Universities and Colleges) and Chair of the Bursar’s Sub-Committee of the Texas Association of State Senior College and University Business Officers.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Blakney is a CPA and graduated from Texas Tech with a Bachelor’s of Business administration and MSc in Accounting.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Blakney has held numerous civic positions and has served twice as the Scholarship Chair for West Texas Women’s CPAs.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed