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Christina Trombley | Executive Director for Drake Online, Drake University

Christina Trombley | Executive Director for Drake Online, Drake University

Current Position and Past Experience
Christina Trombley is the Executive Director for Drake Online at Drake University. This followed a year as Assistant Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Services at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, where she also served as Interim Dean of the Division of Outreach and Adult Access and Director of the university’s Adult Degree Program. Prior to this, Trombley spent six years as the Director of the UW-Green Bay Small Business Development Center. This followed nine years at the Small Business Development Center at UW-La Crosse.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Trombley earned her BA in Telecommunications at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 1990. In 1995, Trombley earned her MBA from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. She expects to earn her PhD in Urban Education and Leadership from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2016.

Trombley is the winner of several notable recognitions, including receiving the “State Star” Award for Wisconsin from the Association of Small Business Development Center, the La Crosse YWCA Tribute to Outstanding Women, “20 People You Should Know” designation from the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and the recognition of a “Top 20 Business Leader under Forty” by the River Valley Business News.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Trombley has a monthly column on leadership published in The Business News. She has also provided presentations and sessions for UPCEA, the Association of Small Business Development Centers, the University of Wisconsin System Economic Summit, and the National Association for Women Business Owners.

She serves on the Downtown Green Bay Incorporated’s Executive Committee and has served on New North, Inc.’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council, 7 Rivers Region Alliance, Western Wisconsin Workforce Development Board, Inc. and many other boards and committees.

To find Trombley on the web, you can visit her LinkedIn profile.

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