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Christina Fleming | Senior Director of Marketing and Enrollment Services, Blackboard

Christina Fleming | Senior Director of Marketing and Enrollment Services, Blackboard

Current Position and Past Experience
Christina Fleming is currently the Senior Director of Marketing and Enrollment Services at Blackboard Student Lifecycle Services. Leading her team, she works closely with higher education clients to deliver strategic marketing and enrollment plans, execute on media and creative, and bring programs to market based on research and quantifiable insights. Fleming has also served as the Senior Director of Brand Strategy and Creative Services and as the Director of Creative Services at Blackboard.

Prior to Blackboard, Fleming spent 10 years in Product and Brand Marketing, working in the telecommunications and technology sectors.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Fleming earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business with a concentration in Marketing from The University of Notre Dame in 1994.

Fleming is the winner of the 2009 Stevie Award for a Corporate Website.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Fleming sings with the City Choir of Washington.

Christina Fleming can be found on LinkedIn. She's also on Twitter @bbfleming.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed