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Chris Graham | Executive Vice President of Workforce and Community Education, National University

Chris Graham | Executive Vice President of Workforce and Community Education, National University

Current Position and Past Experience
Chris Graham is Executive Vice President of Workforce and Community Education at National University. As Vice President, he seeks to help the nation meet its need for highly skilled workers by developing educational pathways for working adults in key industries to advance their careers and earning power

Previously, Graham was the Vice Chancellor of External Relations, and the Vice President of Alumni and Community Relations for NUS.

Graham was also the Executive Director for Corporate and Community Involvement at San Diego University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Graham earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from City University of Seattle. He also has an MBA in Marketing and a B.A. in English from San Diego State University

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Graham is a member of the Board of Directors for the Bay Area Council and the Burn Institute.

You can connect with Chris Graham on LinkedIn

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