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Chad Rowe | Director of Technical Product Management, Destiny Solutions

Chad Rowe | Director of Technical Product Management, Destiny Solutions

Current Position and Past Experience
Chad Rowe is the Director of Technical Product Management at Destiny Solutions, where he drives the cross-functional efforts to build and transform Destiny Solutions’ products. Chad works actively with clients to understand their business goals and develop solution roadmaps to help them meet their desired outcomes. Chad joined Destiny Solutions in 2003 as the Director of Implementation Services. He transitioned into his current role in 2013.

Chad was instrumental in driving recent new modules Destiny Solution’ products, including Badging, Dashboards, the International and Specialty Program Manager, Language Packs, and the Proctoring and Exam Scheduling Manager.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Chad earned his B.Sc. in Marine Biology and his M.Sc. in Evolutionary Biology and Molecular Genetics from the University of Guelph. While studying at Guelph, Chad led research that resulted in the discovery and naming of three new species of freshwater zooplankton.

You can connect with Chad through LinkedIn.

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