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Author Profile

Catheryn Cheal | Associate Vice President and Senior Academic Technology Officer (Retired), San Jose State University

Catheryn Cheal | Associate Vice President and Senior Academic Technology Officer (Retired), San Jose State University

Current Position and Past Experience
From 2012 to her retirement in 2014, Catheryn Cheal served as the Associate Vice President and Senior Academic Technology Officer at San Jose State University. Prior to this, Cheal was the Assistant Vice President of eLearning and Instructional Support at Oakland University. This followed her 23 years at CSU Northridge, where she served in a number of roles.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cheal earned her PhD from Brown University in 1978.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
She continues to publish and present widely about online education, such as editing a book in 2012 called, Transformation in Teaching: Social Media Strategies in Higher Education for Informing Science Press and an article, “Creating MOOCs for College Credit: SJSU’s Partnership with edX and Udacity,” published in 2013 by the Educause Center for Applied Research.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt