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Carol Aslanian | Founder, EducationDynamics' Aslanian Market Research

Carol Aslanian | Founder, EducationDynamics' Aslanian Market Research

Current Position and Past Experience
Carol is the founder of Aslanian Market Research, a division of EducationDynamics. She previously served as director of the Office of Adult Learning Services at the College Board for more than 20 years and helped the Board enhance its services to community colleges. Carol’s market research studies have helped hundreds of colleges and academic consortia expand their programs to meet the educational needs of working adults.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Carol holds degrees from Cornell University and Harvard University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Carol Aslanian is a nationally recognized authority on adult higher education. The author of several landmark reports and professional papers on adult learning, Carol has received several national awards for her contributions to the fields of community service and continuing education. She has served on the boards or committees of such groups like the American Marketing Association, the Nontraditional Students Report Board of Advisors, and Elderhostel.

You can connect with Carol Aslanian on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed