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Cailin Ahern | Business Development Lead, Coursolve

Cailin Ahern | Business Development Lead, Coursolve

Current Position and Past Experience
Cailin Ahern works with colleges and universities across the country to transition students into successful careers. She is currently the Business Development Lead for Coursolve, an online platform that connects learners with organizations through digital internships. In this role, Ahern helps universities create strategic partnerships with alumni and corporations to further experiential learning opportunities on campus.

Ahern is also cofounder of The Workable, a collection of interviews and narratives about work.

Prior to her role at Coursolve, Ahern was a Senior Advisor an Account Director at Eduventures, a higher education research and advisory firm.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Ahern earned her BA in History at Boston University in 2005.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Ahern has served as board member and volunteer at several education non-profits, including 826 Boston and OYE Honduras. In her free time, she can be found at a local Boston music venue, museum, or coffee shop. An amateur seamstress, Cailin hopes to launch her own clothing line someday.

Cailin Ahern can be found on LinkedIn or on Twitter @Cailin_MA.

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Corporate learning engine