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Author Profile

Brian Whitmer | Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer, Instructure

Brian Whitmer | Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer, Instructure

Current Position and Past Experience
Before co-founding Instructure in 2008, Brian knew he wanted to build a better learning management system. His first step was a “product validation tour” of 17 colleges and universities to find out what faculty and students really wanted in an LMS. Made possible by a Geo Metro with no air conditioning, this legendary tour laid the groundwork for an open, elegant, and easy-to-use solution: Canvas. As Chief Learning Officer, Brian keeps the development of Canvas in line with his founding vision. He makes sure the company is building the best learning platform for the present—and for the future.

While studying at BYU, Brian did extensive research in technology usability, which has shaped his approach to building Canvas. Before dedicating his creative genius to opening education with technology, young Brian built and sold floppy disk versions of RPG video games by mail.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Whitmer earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science at Brigham Young University

You can find Whitmer on the web via Twitter @whitmer.

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Corporate learning engine