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Author Profile

Brian Bruess | President, St. Norbert College

Brian Bruess | President, St. Norbert College

Current Position and Past Experience
Brian J. Bruess became the 8th president of St. Norbert College in 2017. President Bruess has already guided St. Norbert to record new-student enrollment; improved retention; integrated strategic planning; initiated new academic offerings including Data Analytics and Integrated Studies; and forged new partnerships with the Medical College of Wisconsin and Marquette University. He is committed to educationally centric financial management; systemic change on equity, diversity and inclusion; increased focus on outcomes, evidence-based decision-making, and assessment; and development of a new fundraising campaign focused on student learning and aimed at doubling the College’s endowment. Prior to assuming the role of president, Bruess served at St. Catherine University, MN, for 22 years in a variety of roles including Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bruess earned his Bachelor’s degree from St. Norbert College (’90) and a Master’s and Ph.D. in College Student Personnel/Research and Evaluation from Ohio University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In his free time Brian enjoys kayaking, fishing for walleye and riding his fat-tire bike (sometimes through blizzard conditions) to cheer on his favorite team, the Green Bay Packers.

You can connect with Brian on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review