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Brandon Busteed | President, Kaplan University Partners

Brandon Busteed | President, Kaplan University Partners

Current Position and Past Experience
Brandon Busteed is the President of Kaplan University Partners – higher education’s first multi-purpose strategic partner, leveraging Kaplan’s extensive capabilities to help universities adapt and grow in mission-critical ways. He is also Global Head of Learn-Work Innovation at Kaplan. Prior to this he spent over six years at Gallup, first as Executive Director of Education and Workforce Development and later as Senior Partner and Global Head of Public Sector. His career spans a wide range of important work in education as an educational entrepreneur, speaker, writer and university trustee. Busteed is also the founder and former CEO of Outside The Classroom, Inc.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Brandon Busteed holds a BA in Public Policy from Duke University where he also served on the Board of Trustees and the Sanford School of Public Policy Board of Visitors. He holds an honorary doctorate from Augustana College.

You can connect with Brandon Busteed on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed