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Author Profile

Brandi Falley | Division Lead and Associate Professor of Mathemathics, Texas Woman’s University

Brandi Falley | Division Lead and Associate Professor of Mathemathics, Texas Woman’s University

Current Position and Past Experience
Brandi Falley is currently Division Lead and Associate Professor of Mathemathics at Texas Woman’s University. She recently became the Division Lead for the Division of Mathematics. Additionally, she coordinates our Elementary Statistics courses and our Supplemental Instruction and Tutoring (SIT) program, which includes hiring student workers, training them, and mentoring them throughout the semester.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Brandi holds a Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science in Statistics from Baylor University. She also has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Ouachita Baptist University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Brandi enjoys playing soccer, a sport she’s been playing since she was 4 years old. She works out regularly and loves traveling. Her family enjoys snow-skiing in the mountains and going to amusement parks. Brandi loves family game nights, where they play cards, dominoes, or other games. She is generally pretty active and enjoys most outdoor activities.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt