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Author Profile

Brad Zomick | Co-Founder, SkilledUp

Brad Zomick | Co-Founder, SkilledUp

Current Position and Past Experience
In 2012, Brad Zomick co-founded SkilledUp, where he currently serves as Chief Content Strategist and lead course reviewer. SkilledUp is a leading curator of online educational content, including over 90,000 online courses from over 300 providers available in areas like Programming, Graphic Design, Content Creation, Marketing and more.

Brad has held a number of positions across the business landscape; he served as a Project Advisor for the U.S.-China Cooperation Program, and as a Commercial Associate for U.S. Commercial Service. Zomick has also held positions with SS&C Technologies, and Epiq Systems. He has held consultancy roles with a number of different firms throughout his career.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Zomick earned his BS in Applied Economies and Business Management from Cornell University in 2002. In 2010, he earned his MBA in International Business from the University of Hawaii College of Business Administration. He also participated in an MBA Exchange program with Sun Yat-Sen University, and earned a certification in Mandarin Language Studies from the Beijing Foreign Studies University in 2011.

You can find Zomick on the web via his LinkedIn. To connect with SkilledUp, please visit their Twitter, Facebook page and Google+.

Articles by this author:

Corporate learning engine