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Author Profile

Bonnie Suderman | Vice President of Academic Affairs, Antelope Valley College

Bonnie Suderman | Vice President of Academic Affairs, Antelope Valley College

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2014, Bonnie Suderman has served as the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Antelope Valley College. Suderman has an extensive background in higher education spanning over twenty years. Beginning as a classroom instructor and full-time faculty member at both Bakersfield College and California State University-Bakersfield, in disciplines emphasizing work with adult learners and adult literacy for over twelve years, Dr. Suderman began work as a Dean of Instruction at Bakersfield College in 2006. She had varying assignments as a Dean at Bakersfield since that time and has developed a deep understanding of the challenges and regulations required in the operation of a California Community College instructional program.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Suderman received a Bachelor’s degree in Humanities from Biola University, a Master’s degree in Literacy from California State University-Bakersfield, and a Doctoral degree from University of the Pacific.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Suderman enjoys reading, massive home repair projects, visiting roadside oddities, and rescuing pugs.

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Avoiding summer melt