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Author Profile

Barry Darnell | Director of Initiatives, CAEL

Barry Darnell | Director of Initiatives, CAEL

Current Position and Past Experience
Barry Darnell is the Director of Initiatives at the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). Prior he was Director of Higher Education Consulting Projects, where he worked with higher education stakeholders to develop and implement innovative strategies that impact adult student success. Prior to joining CAEL in 2016, he managed the Rhode Island Governor’s Workforce Board Healthcare Industry Partnership, linking higher education and workforce development stakeholders to skill up industry professionals.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Darnell earned his Master of Business Administration from Providence College and his Bachelor of Science from Rhode Island College. Recently, he completed the University of Massachusetts – Amherst’s graduate certificate in higher education leadership and management.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Darnell lives in St. Louis, Missouri. When he is not working, he tours around the U. S. playing rugby as a member of the St. Louis Crusaders Rugby Football Club. He recently published his first novel.

You can connect with Barry on LinkedIn

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