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Ashley Nottingham | Online Instructor Coach, Harrison College

Ashley Nottingham | Online Instructor Coach, Harrison College

Current Position and Past Experience
Ashley Nottingham currently serves as an Online Instructor Coach with Harrison College. In this role, she manages and develops faculty who teach online students. Prior to this, Nottingham served as a Supplemental English Instructor for Academic Skills Advancement at Ivy Tech Community College, a position she began in 2013. From 2010-2013, Ashley Nottingham was the Corporate Program Manager for the Business and Nonprofit sector at Ivy Tech Corporate College. This position came on the heels of her time at the Pinnacle Career Institute, where she developed the college’s first on ground Student Success Program.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Nottingham earned her Master’s degree in Theology from the Christian Theological Seminary.

Nottingham earned her BA in Psychology in 2006 from Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. She earned her Certified Program Planner (CPP) qualifications from LERN, and is Extended DISC Certified.

In 2012, she was nationally recognized for her programming work with the NISOD Excellence Award (National Institute of Staff and Professional Development).

You can find Nottingham on LinkedIn.

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