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Anteneh Ayanso | Director of the Centre for Business Analytics in the Goodman School of Business, Brock University

Anteneh Ayanso | Director of the Centre for Business Analytics in the Goodman School of Business, Brock University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Anteneh Ayanso currently serves as the Director of the Centre for Business Analytics at Goodman School of Business at Brock University. He is also the Chair and Professor of Information Systems at Brock University.

Ayanso’s research focuses on data management business analytics, electronic commerce and electronic government and has been published in many leading journals such as Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems and Journal of Database Management along with many others. Ayanso has served as an Associate Editor at Decision Support Systems Journal, a Review Board Member at Journal of Database Management, International Journal of Convergence Computing and International Journal of Electronic Commerce.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Ayanso earned his BA in Business Management from Addis Ababa University and later earned his MBA in Supply Chain Management and Finance from Syracuse University. In 2004, Ayanso earned his PhD in Information Systems from the University of Connecticut. Ayanso is also certified in Production and Inventory Management from the Association for Operations Management.

In 2016, Ayanso was awarded the Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching and Graduate Professor of the Year. Ayanso was also awarded the Department Researcher of the Year Award in 2014-15.

You can connect with Anteneh Ayanso through LinkedIn and on the Brock University website.

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