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Author Profile

Anna Pitts | Online Researcher, The Graduate Recruitment Bureau

Anna Pitts | Online Researcher, The Graduate Recruitment Bureau

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Anna Pitts has been a Researcher at the Graduate Recruitment Bureau, based in the United Kingdom. Her work involves PR and outreach and writing informative, interesting advice based articles for graduates and students.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Pitts is currently working toward her English Language degree at the University of Sussex, and she has completed courses at The Open University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Presently, Pitts is enjoying work and university life in Brighton and is interested in getting as much work experience as possible in her fields of interest, including marketing, PR and journalism.

Learn more about the GRB by visiting The Graduate Recruitment Bureau website.

You can also find The Graduate Recruitment Bureau on Twitter @thegrbteam.

You can find Anna Pitts on the web via LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Driving student success