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Angela Baldasare | Senior Strategic Consultant, Civitas Learning

Angela Baldasare | Senior Strategic Consultant, Civitas Learning

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Angela Baldasare is an experienced researcher, analyst, and consultant with a demonstrated history of success in data strategy and change management, helping organizations of all kinds effectively use data to inform strategy and achieve measureable outcomes.

Baldasare's work as a strategic consultant at Civitas Learning is informed most recently by her 8 years at the University of Arizona (UA). From 2014-2018, she served as the assistant provost for institutional research, managing the merger of UA’s institutional research and business intelligence units, and leading UA’s use of Civitas Learning products to support student success. From 2010-2014, she served as the director of assessment and research for Student Affairs & Enrolment Management at the University of Arizona.

Angela Baldasare was an assistant professor at the University of Dayton from 2000-2003. She then spent 10 years consulting on international public health and justice projects, as well as statewide community and tribal initiatives for multiple branches of the Arizona Governor’s Office, U.S. Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Justice. 

Education, Honors and Achievements
Baldasare earned her BA in Sociology and Speech Communications from the University of Denver and her MA in Sociology from the University of Arizona. In 2000, Baldasare earned her PhD in Sociology from the University of Arizona. She considers herself a Wildcat for life.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Angela is a fan of food, music, travel, art, architecture, and podcasts on biohacking and natural health. When she’s not working, you can most often find her practicing yoga at her local studio. She continually tries, fails, and tries again to maintain a meditation practice.

You can connect to Dr. Baldasare through LinkedIn and on Twitter @angiebinaz.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt