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Author Profile

Andrew Scales | Academic Director of the English Language Institute, University of British Columbia

Andrew Scales | Academic Director of the English Language Institute, University of British Columbia

Current Position and Past Experience
Andrew Scales has been the Academic Director of the University of British Columbia Continuing Studies’ English Language Institute since 1999. He is a former Director of UBC Center for Intercultural Language Study where he has served as an Advisory Committee member since 2002.

He represents UBC Continuing Studies in the international English language teaching industry which has helped him initiate and develop a range of programs that includes the ESL Facilitators program in partnership with UBC Learning Exchange, the English for the Global Citizen program, the UBC Conditional Admission Program, and the UBC Academic English Support program.

Scales is the co-author of a Heinemann textbook on information and communications technology.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Scales has a BA (Hons) in Philosophy from the University of Wales, a Masters’ in Applied Linguistics from the University of London, and the University of Cambridge diploma in English language teaching to adults.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Andrew loves the BC outdoors and as well as being a year -round bike commuter, really enjoys skiing, diving and sailing.

Scales has written over 30 articles on English Language Teaching, and has been featured in BBC English, the EL Gazette and The Guardian Weekly.

Articles by this author:

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