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Author Profile

Andrew Roth | President Emeritus, Notre Dame College

Andrew Roth | President Emeritus, Notre Dame College

Current Position and Past Experience
Until 2014, Andrew Roth served as the President and Chief Executive Officer at Notre Dame College, a position he held for 11 years. He currently serves as a Senior Consultant with Hyatt-Fennell LLC. Prior to this, Roth served for 29 years at Mercyhurst College. He was a tenured faculty member in Communications and then Business, and for over 15 years Roth served as the Vice President for Enrollment. Roth served the last two years as the College’s Academic Vice President.

Education, Honors and Achievements
In 1968, Roth earned his BA from John Carroll University. In 1970, he earned his MA from Case Western Reserve University. In 1980, he earned his MBA from Gannon University, and in 1999 he earned his PhD in Higher Education Finance and Public Policy from SUNY at Buffalo.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Roth has been published widely in admissions and financial aid. Roth’s book, “College Savings and the Tax Code,” has been cited as a major contribution to the literature of higher education finance.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt