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Author Profile

Andrew McCollough | Associate Provost for Teaching and Technology, University of Florida

Andrew McCollough | Associate Provost for Teaching and Technology, University of Florida

Current Position and Past Experience
W. Andrew McCollough became the University of Florida’s first Associate Provost for Teaching and Technology in 2009. This followed his time as the Interim Provost for Undergraduate Affairs. Prior to this, McCollough served for 19 years as the Senior Associate Dean and the Associate Dean of the Warrington College of Business Administration. McCollough was also the college’s Chair of the Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate.

Before earning his PhD, McCollough served for several years as an Aviator in the US Army.

Education, Honors and Achievements
McCollough received an undergraduate degree in Industrial Management from the University of Florida in 1957. He returned to the University of Florida to earn his PhD in 1971.

McCollough has been designated "Teacher of the Year" or "Outstanding Teacher" several times at the College and University level.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
McCollough continues to serve as Chair of several University Committees and Workgroups including the Education and Outreach IT Advisory Committee, the Workgroup on Distance Education and Self Funded Programs, and the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee and serves as a member on many others.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review