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Author Profile

Andrew Dixon | Associate Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment, Colorado State University-Global Campus

Andrew Dixon | Associate Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment, Colorado State University-Global Campus

Current Position and Past Experience
Andrew Dixon currently serves as Associate Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment at Colorado State University-Global Campus. Previously, he was Assistant Vice President of Marketing, as well as the Director of Marketing and Communications at Colorado State University-Global Campus. He also served as Associate Director of Student Engagement Development and before that, a Communications Manager at CSU-Global, where he started as a Technical Writer. Before joining CSU-Global, Dixon spent six years as the Marketing and Education Specialist at MiTek.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dixon earned his BA in Technical Journalism from Colorado State University in Fort Collins in 2003 and his MS in Organizational Leadership with a specialization in Project Management from Colorado State University-Global Campus in 2013.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
A Colorado native, Dixon enjoys hiking, camping, and playing outdoors with his two sons, wife, and chocolate lab named Digby. He also has an affinity for electronic music, board games, bad puns, and hoppy beers.

You can connect with Dixon through LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review