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Andrea Sisneros Wichman | Program Director in CNM Ingenuity, Central New Mexico Community College

Andrea Sisneros Wichman | Program Director in CNM Ingenuity, Central New Mexico Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Andrea Sisneros-Wichman is the Program Director at CNM Ingenuity, the workforce and economic development division of Central New Mexico Community College, an institution where she has spent nearly 12 years. Andrea also serves as a Regional Director for the National Council for Continuing Education and Training.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sisneros-Wichman earned a Bachelor of Arts in American studies from the University of New Mexico in 2002.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In 2018, Sisneros-Wichman was chosen as one of 40 Under 40 Business Leaders in New Mexico.

You can connect with Andrea Sisneros Wichman on LinkedIn.

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Avoiding summer melt