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Andréa Rodriguez | Director of the Office of Urban Initiatives, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU)

Andréa Rodriguez | Director of the Office of Urban Initiatives, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU)

Current Position and Past Experience
Andréa Rodriguez is the Director, Office of Urban Initiatives (APLU) and the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU) in Washington, D.C. Previously, she worked as a College Academic Coach for the Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success Program (ACES) at Montgomery College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rodriguez is earning a Doctor of Education, EdD, in Educational Leadership and Management, focusing on Education Policy from Drexel University. She also has a Master of Arts in Education and Human Development from The George Washington University, and a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, focusing on Secondary Education from The College at Brockport, SUNY.

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