Educating the New Professional Creatives - Part II
[caption id="attachment_5563" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Higher education’s role is...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
[caption id="attachment_5563" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Higher education’s role is...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
The 21st century belongs to the creatives, and higher education institutions must ensure their...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
Drama is an effective tool when teaching adults in that it is a non-traditional way to exemplify...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
It is not necessary for professionals to earn a PhD in order to be able to teach in higher...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
Both continuing formal education and job-specific training and re-training are vital to carrying on...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
By allowing businesses and executives to have a positive influence on academic operations, colleges...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
Opening your institution to corporate partnerships can do more than introduce a new source of...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
The focus of higher education should be on creating prepared minds in their graduates, and...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
Spatial, electronic and pedagogical flexibility are vital elements to a system geared toward adult...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
Flexibility is extremely important when developing programming geared toward adult students. Photo...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
More and more higher education institutions are adopting innovative non-traditional models of...