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Amertah Perman | Associate Director of Program Development in Professional and Continuing Education, University of Southern Maine

Amertah Perman | Associate Director of Program Development in Professional and Continuing Education, University of Southern Maine

Current Position and Past Experience
Amertah Perman has been the Associate Director of Program Development at the University of Southern Maine’s Professional and Continuing Education since late 2011 and focuses on professional development programming and academic, business, and community partnership building. Prior to that, Perman worked at UC San Diego Extension within the Arts, Humanities, and Languages department. Perman got her start in higher education as an Assistant Program Director for a study abroad program to China at the Center for International Programs at the State University of New York at New Paltz.

Trained in the field of International Education and Interpersonal & Intercultural Communication, her background is in interdisciplinary programming, adult learning, and program design, delivery, and evaluation. She takes a strategic systems approach to program development, managing the relationships between roles, program function areas, and stakeholders. She focuses on promoting learning at the participant, staff, program, and institutional level.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Perman earned her BA in 2005 from the State University of New York at New Paltz. She earned her MA in 2009 in International Education from the SIT Graduate Institute, in Brattleboro, VT. She also holds a certificate in Online Teaching from UC San Diego Extension.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of higher education, she has worked within the field of artist mobility as the Director of an international artist residency program in China, freelanced as a program consultant, and worked within arts administration through participation on advisory boards, and grant writing teams.

Outside of her USM responsibilities, she currently engages her local community through volunteering on the planning committee of 2 Degrees Portland, team-teaching Innovation Engineering to USM students, and will be a guest lecturer this fall for Maine College of Art’s Professional Practices Program and USM’s graduate program in Leadership and Organizational Studies. .

You can find Perman on LinkedIn and through USM’s Professional and Continuing Education Facebook page.

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Avoiding summer melt