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Alma Dzib Goodin | Academic Director, Centro de Asesoria y Tutorias en Linea

Alma Dzib Goodin | Academic Director, Centro de Asesoria y Tutorias en Linea

Current Position and Past Experience
Alma Dzib Goodin is currently the Academic Director of the Centro de Asesoria y Tutorias en Linea, where she designs professional programs to help higher education students adapt to online courses and new technology. Dzib Goodin is also an Author for Education 5-0 in Hawaii and a sciences journalist for Fronteras De La Ciencia in Mexico.

She writes her own blog about neurocognition and learning and her first book about neurognition processes is almost ready to be on sale in Spanish.

Prior to her current employment, Dzib Goodin served as a Professor at public universities in Mexico from 1993 to 2011. She taught experimental and educational psychology.

Education, Honors and Achievements
She was a student at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México and got a PhD as neuroscientist at Lomonosov University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dzib Goodin lives in Chicago, Illinois.

You can find Dzib Goodin on Twitter @AlmaDzibGoodin or through her personal website.

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