Current Position and Past Experience
In 2005, Alison established Switch Vision, which trains Technical Experts in Interpersonal Communication Skills and Transformational Creativity, helping companies and individuals to greater productivity through better interpersonal skills and learning techniques, including Presentation Skills and Managing People for Technical Experts. Alison has also been the Program Organizer and Facilitator for an online business diploma for Africa at Blake Hall Business School since she conceptualized the program in 2011, featuring Entrepreneurial Skills, Creativity and Communication in a Global Market Place. In addition, since February 2012, Alison has been one of the Interpersonal Communication Skills Consultants for Executive Development Programmes at Cass Business School, where she helps companies to train everyone from confused graduates to troubled Senior Managers.
Education, Honors and Achievements
Alison earned her Diploma in Mime Performance from The Mime Center in 1992. She then qualified her Licentiate in Speech and Drama Teaching from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 1994, which combines the teaching of key communication skills with drama and psychology. In 2008, Alison achieved her certification as a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Processing.
Personal Details and Community Involvement
Alison set up and ran two theatre schools for five years at the age of 25, starting with 4-18 years olds. However, the parents started to demand their own classes and they too got to play! Developing self-confidence and social skills, the schools flourished until she sold them and packed off to Turkey for five years.
Whilst there, she taught Presentation Skills to executives at Siemens and BP in Istanbul, worked as a copy editor and voice over artist for an educational publisher and ended up writing the script for the presenters and directing them in the Eurovision Song Contest 2004.
Alison has published books of plays: the first being for young students learning English as a second language for the Turkish market. This was followed by an educational tour around Turkey where Alison would engage teachers in how to use theatre skills to teach languages. The books were then republished for the UK market and aimed at native Primary School learners, with subjects tied into the National Curriculum.
You can find Alison Kemp on the web at
Switch Vision.