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Author Profile

Addison Stark | Doctoral Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Addison Stark | Doctoral Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Current Position and Past Experience
Addison Stark has held a number of positions at his current institution, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and at his alma mater the University of Iowa. Stark served as the Co-President of the MIT Energy Club, was the Content Director for the MIT Energy Conference and was a Graduate Researcher with the MIT Energy Initiative. While at the University of Iowa, Stark served as the Vice President of the Student Body.

Additionally, in 2012 Stark served as an ORISE Fellow with the Advanced Researched Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) in Washington, DC.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Stark is currently a PhD candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He earned his SM from MIT in 2010 and BS from the University of Iowa in 2007.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In addition to his academic activities Addison is also actively involved with WMBR, the student radio station of MIT.

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