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Clarifying Credentials to Meet Market Demands

Higher ed institutions need to be more innovative to drive student success, and digital credentials aligned with industry needs are the key to serving the modern learner. 

Illumination by Modern Campus: Episode 18

On this week’s episode of Illumination by Modern Campus, we look at the current state of credentialing in higher education and how innovation can help drive student success, and chat about IMS Global’s upcoming Digital Credentials Summit. 

Short-term credentialing has been around for decades, but has mainly lived in the departments of Continuing Education and Workforce Development. But learners need more than a traditional degree to stay relevant in their careers. As this demand for flexible education increases, what does the current state of credentialing look like in higher education? 

With this great demand for credentials, more institutions are looking to implement these offerings as soon as possible. But speed doesn’t always result in high-quality, and there’s a lot to consider before offering credentials to learners. So what are some of the obstacles higher ed faces when looking to launch and scale credentialing. 

That’s not to say credentials are impossible to offer. With the right strategies in place, they can be a great asset to your institution. So what are some best practices to overcome some of the common obstacles? 

Listen to this week’s episode of Illumination by Modern Campus, featuring Mark Leuba, to unlock the answers to these questions and discover some best practices to drive student success through innovation at your institution. 

Illumination Podcast Episode 18

To dive deeper into the world of credentialing, and to get the inside track on where the industry is going next, consider attending IMS Global’s 2022 Digital Credentials Summit, running Feb 28-March 2 in Atlanta, GA.