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When Children Are Most Proud Of Their Parents

With every God given day, we, the resilient parents try to address every issue the day may bring. We make sacrifices, we multitask, and we give our children the best of ourselves. However, in all that we do as parents, most parents seem to neglect their own personal interests. Most parents can recognize the evidence of personal neglect, for example, not having new shoes or moderate clothing. The most neglectful lack, though, is the lack of an education.
There are plenty of moms that put their interests on the back burner for the sake of maintaining their children’s needs. Of course there is nothing wrong with that kind of practice, but there should be a balance between maintaining good parenting and having personal interests. Going back to school can help regain healthy personal interests; in addition, to discover new interests.
My mother sacrificed the chance of going back to school. She raised my brother and me as a single parent. She is a divorcee who worked two jobs to make sure my brother and I had a roof over our heads and food to eat. Money was always tight. My mother sacrificed a lot to keep our family above water like most families are doing today. From my mother’s sacrifice, she encouraged us to get our education, so we could make a better living, and have a better life, personally and financially. She gave her love to my brother and me, even if it was just advice. She tries to love us the best way she knows how, and I thank her for it.
Now I am a single mother, upon God’s direction and my mother’s advice I am going back to school and loving it. Going back to school was a pivotal point in my life. I remember months before I was in school, I was talking to God about how “cool” it would be for my three children and myself to go to school all at once. Well, currently, my oldest son is in 1st grade, my two youngest children are in Pre-k in the same class with the same Pre-k teacher as my oldest had, and I am attending Duquesne University. I am currently a sophomore too. For all of us to be going to school is not an easy job, especially for me. We are dedicated in being the best students we can be. We learn more about ourselves with the different activities in school; in addition, to gaining a closer relationship with each other.
Doing homework together isn’t the only bond my children and I have. We also have conversations about school. What are our likes and dislikes about school? Who are our friends in school? With each conversation we get into details about our day; we help each other analyze our emotions, how we feel about that day, and how could change the day if we wanted too. Gaining a positive perspective for school, to young children, is making good memories about school. I have taken my children to Duquesne University campus numerous times. My oldest son was amazed that he was “going to school” with mommy.
Exposing my children to the college atmosphere early in their life creates a familiar sensation; in addition, to having an open mind to experience of college. I have expressed in other articles that I was terrified about going to school; I felt inadequate and out of place. My children may have the same feelings about college, initially, but it won’t last long because I have already placed a memory about college early in their lives. It’s a memory about being in a place where my children and I bonded. The impact college experiences make with my children, has my two oldest children complimenting me on my good grades.
Brief story: I was jumping up and down in excitement because I received an A- for my final grade in my Nonprofit Fundraising and Finance Management class and an A for my final grade in Leadership Starting With Self class. My oldest was setting next to me when I was dancing about my grades, and he said to me, “Mommy good job with your good grades! Good job, mommy. You’re doing good in school!”
Then he said the best part, “I’m proud of you mommy. You’re doing good. I’m proud of you, mom.” I froze. I stopped dancing completely and smiled at my son. Then I said, “Thank you.” hugged him, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I had to thank God for that moment. It is wonderful to get an approval from colleagues and professors about your good work, but when your own child says “I am proud of you” that kind of approval is priceless. It will melt any parent’s heart. Those words from my child are fuel to keep going.
Therefore going back to school, while raising children, is a benefit to parents in many ways. Though there are daily challenges, having your children cheer you on makes the hard work worth the efforts. Each moment I share with my children about my school work gives them confidence to share their personal ups and downs about their school. We work as a team to get through our studies which helps to stay focus on the prize. I am glad I said that prayer about my family going to school at the same time. That prayer turned into a true life changing blessing for an entire family.
Author Perspective: Student