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Author Profile

Zephyr L. Ethier | University Director of Enrollment Management Operations, Antioch University

Zephyr L. Ethier | University Director of Enrollment Management Operations, Antioch University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Zephyr L. Ethier is currently University Director of Enrollment Management Operations at Antioch University and has been with the university since 2017. Before Antioch University, Zephyr was at Marlboro College for six years, first serving as the Admissions Data and Operations Manager before stepping into the role of Advancement Services Manager for the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Zephyr earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership from Southern New Hampshire University. Her dissertation is titled Lessons From Her Story: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study of a Woman’s Leadership Identity Evolution in Higher Education. She holds a Master of Business Administration in Project Management from Marlboro College where she also earned the President’s Award for Academic Excellence. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Southeast Asian Studies from the University of Washington and an Associate of Arts from North Seattle College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Zephyr is a certified Conversations Worth Having and Strategic Conversations trainer and practitioner by the Center for Appreciative Inquiry and a Certified EQ Practitioner by Six Seconds.

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