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Author Profile

Zack Underwood | Director of University Studies, Virginia Tech

Zack Underwood | Director of University Studies, Virginia Tech

Current Position and Past Experience
Zack Underwood currently serves as Director of University Studies at Virginia Tech. Prior to this, he spent over seven years at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, first as an Academic Advisor and later as Lead Advisor for Technology and Support. He has also worked at Appalachian State University as Advisor and Technology Specialist for four years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Underwood earned his bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He completed two master’s degrees, one in Higher Education Administration at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and the latter in Educational Media at Appalachian State University. In 2017, Underwood completed his PhD in Learning Technologies at the University of North Texas.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
He enjoys watching films (the worst he can find) with his wife as well as teaching his children the joys of video game classics such as Super Mario Bros.

You can connect with Zack Underwood on LinkedIn.

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