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Author Profile

Yolanda Spiva-Watson | President, Complete College America

Yolanda Spiva-Watson | President, Complete College America

Current Position and Past Experience
Yolanda Spiva is currently President of Complete College America. She has over 25-year career in postsecondary education spans a range of executive leadership, general management, federal government, public affairs, operations and academic officer positions. Dr. Spiva serves as the President of Complete College America (CCA). Dr. Spiva is the former President & CEO of College Success Foundation (CSF), a national non-profit college readiness, access, success, and scholarship organization. She also served as CEO/Executive Director of Project GRAD (Graduation Really Achieves Dreams) Atlanta Inc.
Prior, she was assistant dean at Trinity College in Washington, DC. Dr. Watson Spiva has also held various positions with the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, DC, and Atlanta, GA. in the Offices of Postsecondary Education, Student Financial Assistance, and Policy, Planning and Innovation, culminating in her service as Region IV Public Affairs Director in the southeast regional Office of the Secretary of Education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Spiva earned her undergraduate degree in economics from Spelman College, her master’s degree in public policy from the University of Chicago and her Ph.D. in higher education from Georgia State University. She also holds a board certification as an executive coach from the Center for Credentialing Education (CCE).

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